Astronomy: a black hole is an area of such immense gravity that nothing—not even light—can escape from it. Black holes form at the end of some stars' lives. The energy that held the star together disappears and it collapses in on itself producing a magnificent explosion.

Informal: a place where money or lost items apparently disappear without trace.

This is the place where everything collides, where my commissioned work meets my personal approach to photography.

A place where like in blackholes, gravity does its magic to arrange images relevant in my work throughout the years with no specific reason. It’s a space of creation where my photographs meet and create a new dialogue. It’s a forever open editing table. Its a window to the place where silence speaks and my invitation to you to be part of the conversation.

Here, time, briefing, subjects or themes are not relevant, the amount of photographs squeezed into a tiny space creates such strong gravity that the dialogue between them happens naturally.


Roads to Nowhere